Saturday 29 January 2011

A Romantic Dinner. (by Sun)

A dinner's invitation! But not to go eat out. An invitation for indoors dinning - at his place.
I was really enthusiastic, because that was gonna be my first nice date of the year, plus it was the second time I saw this guy who I really liked. But above all, because the truth be told, I hadn't had sex in a while and I soooo needed it!!!! If he thought that I was going to be the "prey" he was absolutely wrong! I was gonna be the predator!

Ok: I got to my date with a bottle of wine (hahaha, yes, the roles have been reversed here: The man cooks, the woman brings the booze.) Indeed, he cooked, we chatted, we listened to some music, we saw the soccer match on tv (AHHHHH, girls c'mon.. he is not perfect! - well, he did had MUTE on.) After dinner and a bottle of wine, he offered me a HUGE glass of gintonic.. and a BIG glass of rum.. and then.. well- no need to tell you what happened, right? :-)
It really nice. In his bedroom, on the table, on the couch. Half time! So, he gets up and comes back to the living room wearing... PAJAMAS. He sits by my side on the couch, invites me to sleep over, but tells me that he needs to get up early because he has to go to work. Meanwhile I was alllll playing sexy, ready for the second half of the game, penalty shoot out and all! NOTHING! We went to bed .... to sleep! Well, I got up five minutes later and went home. AAAAAAAAAH!

Question: What happened to the guys that want to have sex all night long? That want to keep on making love to us until we can't no longer walk? Do I deserve this kind of situation? Having sex ONCE and then going to bed with a guy wearing green pajamas?

All right. I will NOT complain. I'll try and stay positive: I might have not filled up my belly but at least I'm not on a "diet" anymore.

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