I'm back to the very first post on this blog. The subject that actually made me create Pinkpassaport.
And one day he just disappeared...
I guess I'm starting to get an idea why guys disappear. So you go out with him: a date, a hook up... the moment is fantastic, he kisses you 1000 times, hugs you, woos you and all of a sudden, the son of a b**** never calls you back. As we've probably read in a million different magazines, we are NOT supposed to chase him. We should act aloof, as if it really didn't matter, blablabla. Believe it or not this "blablabla" phase actually works, because from my experience, the guy always comes back. The feeling of winning the first round, misleads us into taking the second one, and once more, our adversary plays his game: he's adorable once more, until he disappears AGAIN. This situation can actually repeat itself for a few years, months, weeks or only a few days, but the cycle DOES repeat itself, until one of the parts meets someone else or simply gets tired of it. We try to be tough, to pretend it doesn't matter, but the truth is that after the first date we find ourselves checking our phones, making sure it's on, wondering if everything is ok with the reception and income texts messages. And with our mind wrapped around the guy we can't focus on anything else but on the possible reasons WHY hasn't he called.
WORSE: we try to justify for ourselves why he hasn't called. Friends, sorry if I'm being too honest, but if the guy wanted to call you... there's no death of grandmother, traffic jam, work, school, that would deter him from doing so. If he hasn't called is simply because he didn't want to, or worse, you didn't even cross his mind. Well, in that case, of course you'll act aloof and use the "I don't really care" attitude. And so days, weeks, months will go by until you finally get over the poor bastard. And that's when he'll call you again and will try to reel you in.
Girls, we must remember something here: It's our choice to fall into this trap. When the guy show up in our lives again, we believe we can manage the situation and actually win this battle. This is all because deep down, we actually like the guy. It all boils down to what one of my favorite writers, Rosamunde Pilcher says "The more you love a man, the more you'll give your heart to him and the more you 'll have to lose."
So girls, before playing with fire, make sure to be able to call a fireman to put the fire out... just like that one I went out with last time: a sensual tall handsome one.
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